COMPLETED August 2009
Drive The Globe was host to another Canadian Adventure. This trip encompassed Labrador and Western Newfoundland, including the spectacular Gros Morne National Park. We visited L Anse aux Meadows, the site of one of the first North American Viking settlements, the beautiful fjords of Western Brook Pond, Gros Morne National Park and the remote towns of Labrador. Departure was from Quebec City, Quebec and wound through Labrador first, before taking a ferry across to Newfoundland. This route afforded the luxury of having not to backtrack on the only road in Labrador. The bulk of our time was spent in Western Newfoundland camped overlooking the ocean. The driving was largely on improved and gravel surfaces.
Route Maps
Please refer to route map above. Basic itinerary starts in Quebec City. We make our way to Baie Comeau and then on to Labrador City. The first couple of days are fairly long drives. We then go to Happy Valley and Cartwright before taking the ferry from Red Bay to St Anthony in Newfoundland. From St Anthony we travel to Gros Morne National Park. This will be our base of operation for several days and give everyone plenty of rest and relaxation time. The trip concludes with a travel South to Port Aux Basque and the ferry to Nova Scotia. From there it is a journey back to home.