Vintage Rovers Across Africa Site Updated- New Content and Photos

We are very pleased to announce that the Vintage Rovers Across Africa- Trans Africa Expedition website has been updated. This process is long overdue, but we are excited about preserving this special trip for all to enjoy. The site has been migrated to our new Drive The Globe servers. The web address is 
The new look site also contains some fresh new content including an account of the trip and our company over the past 10 plus years. We have also uploaded the first new photos from the Africa trip in more than 8 years. (Some higher resolution pics from the Dogon Region of Mali - see the photos tab) We have been pouring over “lost” photos, video and writings from that first expedition and over the next several months we will be adding a significant amount of new content so stay tuned and check back frequently.

Please Note: No worries about finding the site. Because so many sites around the world have links to our expedition pages both and have been redirected to the new site and will continue to work forever.